What needs to be understood about drug abuse and addiction

 What needs to be understood about drug abuse and addiction


Health,Business If effective, sustained recovery from drug abuse is to be achieved, it will help the addicted young adult and their parents to develop a better understanding of the nature of addiction, including clearing up some persistent misconceptions. Many parents inquiring about the services of a young adult rehab in North Carolina may initially imagine their child to be lacking in the moral principles or willpower that they presume to be necessary to achieve a change in behavior. The truth is that drug addiction is a complicated disease, recovery depending on so much more than a strong will or sound intentions. Even those who desire to stop using can find the process extremely difficult, due to the changes that drugs cause in the brain that simply increase the likelihood of further compulsive drug abuse.

 Scientific breakthroughs over the years have given us a much-improved understanding of the effects that drugs have on the brain, making it easier for us to devise effective treatments based on a well-informed, evidence-based clinical approach. This is crucial, given just how damaging drug abuse and addiction are for both individuals and society as a whole - encompassing family disintegration, academic failure, loss of employment, child abuse, domestic violence…to name a few things that may occur. It is vital that parents and young adults like realize the true nature of addiction as a chronic, often lapsing brain disease. Although the affected person may initially take drugs voluntarily, the brain

 changes that this causes over time adversely impacts on that person's self-control, making it harder and harder for them to resist what may become very intense drug-taking impulses. There is no single factor that dictates a young adult's likelihood of becoming addicted to drugs, although individual biology, age or stage of development and social environment can all have an effect on the level of risk. But when a person does begin to use drugs, certain chemicals can tap into the communication system of their brain and cause disruption to their nerve cells' sending, receiving and processing of information. The good

 news is that in common with such other chronic, relapsing diseases like diabetes, heart disease or asthma, drug addiction can be successfully managed. Through the right combination of addiction treatment medications and behavioral therapy, or another treatment approach appropriately tailored to the young adult's drug abuse patterns and any co-occurring problems, that person can achieve a sustainable return to a happy, healthy and productive life.


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